The CRUK Convergence Science Centre represents a pioneering initiative at the forefront of medical innovation. Focused on the convergence of engineering, physical sciences, and biological research, Our Centre drives the development of innovative technologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Through collaborative efforts, it aims to break down the traditional silos between disciplines and foster a multidisciplinary approach to cancer research. Here are examples of our work so far.



Clinical research




Revolutionising Cancer Treatment: Acoustic Cluster Therapy in Metastatic Liver Metastases


The Convergence Science Centre is spearheading innovative cancer treatments, notably in clinical trials. A prime example is the phase I clinical trial of Acoustic Cluster Therapy (ACT) with Chemotherapy for Metastatic Liver Metastases of Gastrointestinal Origin, conducted at the Royal Marsden Hospital's Drug Development Unit. This trial combines microbubble/microdroplet clusters (PS101), standard chemotherapy, and targeted ultrasound to precisely deliver drugs to liver metastases.


The technique involves administering PS101 with chemotherapy, followed by local ultrasound targeting the tumour for drug delivery. This method enhances chemotherapy efficacy directly at the tumour site, reducing effects on healthy tissue.


The trial's main aim is to determine ACT's safety and optimal dosage for patients with hepatic metastases. Supported by the Convergence Science Centre, the trial is now advancing to multicentre studies to assess efficacy across a wider patient base, marking a significant move towards personalised cancer care. This approach exemplifies the Centre's commitment to combining medical expertise, technology, and data science in creating highly effective, personalised cancer treatments.


More information on the trial here.


Partnership with Exact Therapeutics here.


Professor Jeffrey Bamber
Professor Udai Banerji




Pioneering the Future of Cancer Surgery: A Breakthrough in Margin Identification


Surgical resection remains a critical element of cancer treatment, where the precision of tumour removal significantly influences survival outcomes. Current methods for detecting surgical margins are often lacking, being subjective and time-intensive. Researchers are pioneering in the field of molecular margin identification, notably using rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry (REIMS), commonly referred to as the iKnife, to revolutionise cancer surgery. This innovation is grounded in a thorough understanding of tumour biology, the response of healthy tissue, and immunological factors.

The study employs two advanced technologies: Laser Scanning Confocal Endomicroscopy (LS-CLE) for real-time imaging to differentiate cancerous from normal tissue, and Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (LDI-MS) for in-vivo detection of tumour cells. Integrating LS-CLE and LDI-MS offers unprecedented accuracy in tumour margin identification, crucial for effective surgical intervention.

Furthermore, researchers are utilising emerging multi-material fibre technology to create probes with 3D-printed preforms. These fibres, featuring multi-lumen geometries and embedded metals, enable localised thermal expansion, facilitating minute-scale motion. This leads to a more discreet, flexible device, augmented by fibre-robotics, merging morphological and functional insights for more efficient cancer surgeries. This method not only propels treatment forward but also significantly reduces the time needed for complete resection, representing a substantial advancement in surgical cancer care


See publications here.


Clinical trials here.

Zoltan Takats
Professor Zoltan Takats
Professor George Poulogiannis
Dr Burak Temelkuran




A Wearable Device for Affectionate Touch in Cancer Care


Undergoing radiotherapy and imaging is often stressful for cancer patients, leading to anxiety and treatment delays. Additionally, patients sometimes endure these procedures alone, without the support of loved ones due to restrictions. To tackle this, researchers have created SOFTLI (Soft Robotic Tactile Intervention), a wearable robotic device that simulates affectionate touch, connecting patients with their families during treatment. Early trials of SOFTLI show it helps reduce anxiety and prevent treatment interruptions.

Radiotherapy and imaging are essential for diagnosing and treating cancer, yet treatment interruptions and early discontinuations are common, particularly among 12-57% of head and neck cancer patients. These interruptions can result in reduced cancer control and poorer outcomes. The absence of standard guidelines for managing psychological distress, coupled with the variable effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions and potential side effects of pharmacological treatments, exacerbates these challenges.

Developed as a cost-effective, non-pharmacological solution, SOFTLI addresses the need for emotional support and social interaction during medical procedures. Drawing from psychological research on affectionate touch and soft robotics studies on haptic devices, SOFTLI offers the sensation of human touch and interaction. The device, a soft silicone armband, can be heated to a comfortable temperature and provides tactile stimulation using compressed air.

Initiated through earlier collaborations and funded by the CRUK Convergence Science Centre, SOFTLI was developed in the Imperial MedTech SuperConnector programme and has shown success in clinical trials. By filling the gap in emotional and social support during medical procedures, SOFTLI presents a promising advancement in cancer care for a wide range of patients, carers, and parents.


Publication here.

Dr Helen McNair
Professor Alison McGregor

Discovery research


Alan Turing and the Enigma of Pancreatic Cancer Heterogeneity


In a pioneering study led by Prof Axel Behrens, our Scientific Director, remarkable progress has been made in understanding the aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer. Intriguingly, a vital part of this breakthrough involved the 70-year-old equation of British polymath Alan Turing, demonstrating the far-reaching influence of his work in our discoveries. This advancement not only sheds new light on pancreatic cancer but also underscores the effectiveness of a convergent approach in cancer research.

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterised by its varied cancer cell populations. Grasping this cellular heterogeneity is essential for discerning different disease subtypes and forging bespoke treatments. Our research has identified the BMP inhibitor GREM1 as a critical regulator of cellular diversity in pancreatic cancer, observed in both human patients and mouse models.

The insights from this study lay the groundwork for developing more intelligent treatments to inhibit pancreatic tumour growth and metastasis. By understanding GREM1's role in sustaining cellular diversity, we open new therapeutic paths to target and impede this process, providing hope for more effective treatment options for pancreatic cancer patients.


Publication here.

Axel Behrens
Professor Axel Behrens




Supercharging Cancer Treatment in Melanoma Therapy


Our researchers are making significant strides in treating melanoma, a type of skin cancer, by combining a unique virus with a targeted drug known as BRAF inhibitors. However, to enhance these treatments further, it's crucial to understand their interaction with the immune system. In an intriguing study involving melanoma-afflicted mice, the team investigated how the virus and drug influence the immune system. Using advanced technology, they monitored various immune cells over time, which guided them in adding a third component to the treatment regimen.

The study revealed that combining the BRAF inhibitors with the viral treatment significantly boosted the anti-cancer effects in the mice. When tested in a laboratory setting, the results were less pronounced, prompting a more detailed analysis of the treatments' impact on specific immune cells, particularly T cells. It was observed that the drug reduced a marker indicating active T cells. However, a type of T cell, CD4+, still performed effectively, which was encouraging for cancer combat. By focusing on another cell type, the Treg cells, and introducing an additional treatment, the researchers enhanced the efficacy of CD4+ T cells. This innovative triple therapy approach resulted in complete cures in all mice tested.


Publication here.

Dr Masahiro Ono
Professor Alan Melcher




Cancer Theranostics: Stable and Targeted Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles



Semiconducting polymer nanoparticles (SPNs) are emerging as a promising tool in cancer theranostics, offering high absorption coefficients, photostability, and biocompatibility. However, their application in vivo has faced challenges like aggregation and protein fouling under physiological conditions. In a recent study, researchers have innovated a method to create colloidally stable and low-fouling SPNs. This involves grafting poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) onto the fluorescent semiconducting polymer's backbone, a straightforward process that significantly enhances SPNs' suitability for in vivo use.

To further refine SPNs' effectiveness, the team employed azide-functionalized PEG to attach anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) antibodies or affibodies to the SPNs. This strategy enables the SPNs to target HER2-positive cancer cells specifically, boosting their potential as targeted cancer treatments.

In vivo tests using zebrafish embryos showed that these PEGylated SPNs maintained excellent circulation for up to a week post-injection, suggesting new avenues for cancer theranostics in living organisms. Additionally, SPNs functionalized with affibodies demonstrated impressive targeting capabilities in zebrafish models with HER2-expressing cancer cells, marking a significant step forward in the field.


Publication here.

Molly Stevens
Professor Molly Stevens
Dr Gabriella Kramer-Marek




Unlocking the Power of Potent T Cells


In advancing T cell therapies for cancer, scientists face the challenge of identifying the most effective T cells. Traditional methods fall short in accurately gauging T cell interactions with cancer cells, which is crucial for the success of T cell therapies. This study introduces a groundbreaking approach using microfluidic fluid shear stress to select highly potent T cell clones. This method measures cellular avidity, indicating the collective strength of T cells in interacting with tumour cells, thereby enhancing the selection process for cancer immunotherapy.

Existing techniques can assess T cell affinities but often overlook essential aspects like cellular avidity and activation. The microfluidic approach addresses this by evaluating up to 10,000 T cell-tumour cell interactions per run, enabling the identification and recovery of the most potent T cells with high purity within just 30 minutes. Importantly, these potent T cells retain their effectiveness against tumour cells, maintaining their cytotoxicity, activation, and avidity markers.

This microfluidic method significantly improves the selection of therapeutic T cells, marking a step forward in personalized cancer immunotherapy. It allows for the customization of potent T cells to an individual patient's cancer, leading to more effective and tailored treatments. This advancement offers new avenues in cancer treatment and hope for improved patient outcomes globally.


Publication here.


Sam Au
Dr Sam Au