Infrastructure overview
Infrastructure overview
The CRUK Convergence Science Centre has dedicated facilities to support and advance our research themes. These facilities offer project specific support and are designed to address bottlenecks and facilitate translational research.
Our infrastructure offers a diverse range of support across the ICR and Imperial including scientific equipment, state-of-the-art research facilities and dedicated personnel. Our infrastructure includes:
Human Organoid Facility: A cutting-edge organoid culture facility and biobank for the creation of innovative patient-derived cancer models.
Microfabrication and Prototyping Facility: A facility for the rapid production of small devices for pre-clinical and in vitro diagnostics purposes, including microfluidic devices, organs-on-chip, biosensors, electrochemical sensors, microneedles and more.
Cancer Technology Catalyst: A dedicated team with expertise in implementation science, health economics, clinical positioning, biostatistics and epidemiology who gather evidence to help bring innovations to clinical practice.
Researchers from both institutions have access to this infrastructure at low or no cost, provided their work aligns with the Centre's remit and research theme priorities.
See below for more information about the facilities we offer. Please get in touch with the Centre team for general information on the infrastructure or with the contacts provided for each facility for specific enquiries.
The Centre also provides strategic investment in clinical trial units:
The Oak Foundation Drug Development Unit: A joint unit of The Royal Marsden and The Institute of Cancer Research, which provides a pathway from preclinical drug discovery to proof-of-principle Phase I trials and the evaluation of novel targeted treatments. It is also designed to drive collaboration between laboratory-based and clinical teams.
Imperial Clinical Trial Unit: The ICTU delivers excellence in the design, conduct and dissemination of clinical trials of all phases and through this to deliver major local, national and international health benefits for patients.