The CRUK Convergence Science Centre is led by its Executive Management Committee and has Subcommittees responsible for Research and Training (clinical and non-clinical). Oversight is provided by an independently chaired Governance Board comprising senior management representatives from Cancer Research UK and the Centre partner organisations.
The Governance Board receives scientific advice from a Scientific Advisory Board comprised of international experts in cancer science and technology.
The Centre is administered by an Operational team that sits between Imperial College London and The Institute of Cancer Research, London.
The Centre is also recognised as a Centre of Excellence within Imperial and as a research division within the ICR.
The Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre is a partnership between The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and Imperial College London with funding from Cancer Research UK.
We are a Centre of Excellence within Imperial College London.
We closely collaborate with partner NHS trusts, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust as well as with local NIHR Biomedical Research Centres, centres and networks of excellence across our partner institutions and clinical units
Find out more about each of our partners below.
In 2016, the ICR and Imperial came together to establish the Cancer Research Centre of Excellence under the direction of Professor Paul Workman and Professor Lord Ara Darzi of Denham. This partnership was formed to create critical mass for interdisciplinary cross-institutional collaboration, to improve quality of life for cancer patients.
Thanks to the leadership and vision of Professors Workman and Darzi, the Cancer Research Centre of Excellence was awarded as a CRUK Major Centre.
In 2020, Professor Axel Behrens joined the Centre as its inaugural Scientific Director with joint appointment between the Imperial College London and The Institute of Cancer Research.
In 2022, the CRUK Imperial Centre, CRUK ICR Centre and the Convergence Science Centre merged, giving rise to the renewed and unified CRUK Convergence Science Centre.
Our mission remains to accelerate the development of ground-breaking cancer technologies across our partnering institutions.