Convergence Science Non-Clinical PhD
Chemical Biology
Information for Supervisors
The CRUK Convergence Science Centre (CSC) is partnering with The Institute of Chemical Biology (ICB) EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training to provide a 4 year PhD studentship.
The studentship projects awarded via this call will start in the 2025/26 academic year and comprise a 4-year PhD.
Proposals will typically be concerned with the development of novel molecular tools and technologies in Chemical Biology to study molecular interactions that address an unmet need in cancer. Project proposals concerned with either translational or basic research will be considered, but in both instances there must be underpinning innovation in the physical sciences.
Studentship proposals must include at least one supervisor from Imperial and one from ICR. Details of this call, remit, project requirements and an overview of the assessment criteria can be found in the guideline document (below). We strongly encourage all applicants to read this carefully first.
We will recruit at least three studentships as part of this joint call. The studentship will cover:
How to apply: The awards will be made based on written applications. Applications must be made using the separate application form provided (see below).
Note that we cannot consider applications longer than four pages and in any format than .doc or .docx. Annexes and additional tables are not allowed
Deadline: Please email the completed application form as .doc or .docx file to both ICB team and CSC team by Wednesday 16th October 2024, 5 pm.
Review and Award: Completed applications for this Studentship Proposal Call will undergo a peer review process, to ensure that studentships that are awarded funding meet all of the assessment criteria. Each proposal will be reviewed by the CSC Training Committee and the ICB members, whose expertise cuts across cancer biology, convergence research and chemical biology.
Get in touch: We actively encourage participants to discuss potential projects with the CRUK CSC team ( and ICB CDT team ( If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.