The Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre at Imperial College London and the Institute of Cancer Research aims to train the next generation of convergence scientists by building cross-institutional research teams with supervisors from distinct disciplines who will equip PhD students with the skills to work across disciplinary boundaries.


Students will be exposed to the world leading research, expertise and infrastructure across both institutions.


What is available?


We invite applications to our highly competitive Convergence Science PhD Programme, which is four-years in length under the guidance of a supervisory team of world-class researchers across the two institutions. Successful candidates will receive a fixed, tax-free annual stipend of £23,000 per annum, and project costs including tuition fees will be underwritten for the four-year duration. Students enrolled on the programme will be provided with bespoke training to develop the skills required to work across the boundaries of different disciplines. 


Click here to read perspectives from our current students and supervisors.



Are you the right candidate?


We invite applications from talented UK graduates or final year undergraduates from a life science, chemistry, computer science, engineering, or physics background. Convergence Science PhDs cover tuition fees for UK students only (except where otherwise stated in the project specification); however, international students are also invited to apply subject to outlining how they will meet the difference in tuition fees. We look forward to receiving applications from all candidates and will select those who display the potential to become world leading researchers of the future based on their application and performance at an interview. We are encouraging applications from candidates of Black and ethnic minority backgrounds as they are underrepresented at PhD level within our programme.

Candidates should hold, or expect to gain, either:


  • A first, or upper-second class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject
  • A master’s degree in a relevant subject

The available PhD projects are listed below. You can find details of the eligibility criteria for each project, instructions on how to apply, and the important dates at the end of the project list. 


Group of students discussing and mind mapping

Last call research projects


  1. Exploiting 3D in vitro models to advance diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a probe of cellular and tumour microstructure
  2. Super-resolution microscopy to investigate epigenetic evolution in ovarian high grade serous carcinoma
  3. Morphological phenotyping of the ccRCC TME using Deep Learning and Morphometrics



Disciplines: Physics or Engineering or Chemistry


The studentship will be registered at the Institute of Cancer Research with affiliate status at
Imperial College London.



Disciplines: Biological SciencesPhysics or Engineering


The studentship will be registered at the Institute of Cancer Research with affiliate status at
Imperial College London.


Disciplines: Mathematics, StatisticsEpidemiology or Computer Science


The studentship will be registered at the Institute of Cancer Research with affiliate status at Imperial College London.

The application and recruitment process

Stage 1



Stage 2



Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held in February 2024


Candidates will be assessed on merit at our bespoke Recruitment Event where they will be exposed to research undertaken at the ICR and Imperial, meet current convergence science students and discover the ground-breaking work of the Convergence Science Centre.  



Stage 3


Funding for studentships will commence in the following autumn - October 2024.



Further information


For further detail please visit the ICR How to apply for PhD studentships webpage.


For more information on this opportunity send an email to