Converging on cancer seminar series – engineering, physical sciences and multidisciplinary approaches to advance cancer research (Wetscherek and Monod)

Please join us for a live webinar on the 21st October 15.00–16.00 at which Professor Axel Behrens (Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre Scientific Director) is pleased to host Dr Andreas Wetscherek and Dr Anthea Monod.


In this series of webinars brought to you by the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre at Imperial College London and The Institute of Cancer Research, London, researchers across the two organisations will discuss key challenges facing cancer research and opportunities for new convergence science approaches to address these. Join us to consider how novel approaches and technologies could shed light on unresolved problems in cancer biology, to innovate new ways to address challenges in cancer and bring pioneering treatments to cancer patients faster.



Dr Andreas Wetscherek– The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust


Anatomical and Functional imaging for MR-guided radiotherapy'


MR-guided radiotherapy on MR-Linacs, which combine a magnetic resonance scanner with a linear accelerator, offers unprecedented anatomical certainty due to the excellent soft-tissue contrast of MRI. This enables hypo-fractionated and dose-escalated treatments. Additionally, MR-guided radiotherapy offers opportunities for functional MR imaging studies to deepen our understanding of radiobiology and to assess and predict treatment response. In this talk, Dr Wetscherek will highlight the role of convergence science in addressing some of the challenges in MR-guided radiotherapy using examples from ongoing projects on accelerating 4D-MRI and characterising microvasculature using intra-voxel incoherent motion imaging.



Dr Anthea Monod– Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London


'Predicting clinical outcome in glioblastoma using pure mathematics'


The aggressive nature and rapid progression of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and the relative time costs of obtaining molecular data on the disease make other readily available forms of data, such as images, an important resource for actionable measures in patients. Our goal is to use information given by medical images in the form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) taken from GBM patients in statistical settings. We do this by designing a novel summary statistic based on algebraic topology that quantifies GBM MRIs in a form that is integrable in a wide range of functional and nonparametric statistical methodology. We demonstrate that topological MRI features alone explain more of the variance in GBM patient survival than other imaging summaries and even gene expression. In this talk, I will present one such example involving MRI imaging data.




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Please note: This webinar is exclusively available only to colleagues across the Institute of Cancer Research, Imperial College London, the Royal Marsden Hospital and Imperial College Healthcare.


Image Credit: Imperial College London

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